While the consumer reporting agency listed above provided information about your credit or history, it
took no part in making the decision regarding your Application, nor can it explain why adverse action
was taken.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 USC 1681j), you have the right to obtain a copy of your consumer
credit report. To obtain a free copy, you must request it within 60 days of the date you receive this
letter by writing or telephoning the consumer reporting agency checked above. You may also go to htps://www.annualcreditreport.com to view all
three of your credit profiles free of charge.
If you believe any information in your report is incorrect, you have the right to dispute the accuracy or
completeness of the information and to put into your report a consumer statement of up to 100 words
explaining your position on the item under dispute. Trained personnel are available to help prepare
consumer statements.
If you feel this adverse action or denial was made in whole or in part on misinformation received in the
screening process, you have the right to know more specifically, the basis for the denial, and correct,
refute or explain the negative information by submitting a Written Appeal within 30 days to
Owner/Agent’s address below. After further consideration of this appeal, Owner/Agent will notify you of
their decision to uphold the denial or adverse action, or re-open your Application. If your Application
is re-opened upon appeal, you have specific rights enumerated by the Portland Housing Bureau visit https://www.portland.gov/code/30/01/086 for
more information.
You also have certain rights under credit reporting and consumer protection laws in Oregon. For further
information, you should contact a consumer protection agency or the Attorney General's office.