Complete Your Custom ORHA Rental Form

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[Tenant] Please choose from the following options for Lease Renewal.

If no choice is made Option 1 (one) will be effective on: 
(no less than 90 days from the Date Served or 94 days if mailed ONLY, including the Date of Service)

[Tenant] To accept Options 2 or 3, all Tenant(s) must have signed a new Lease Agreement by the date above.

Please contact Owner/Agent timely to make arrangements.

Option 1: Lease converts to Month-to-Month, with a Rent increase amount of 
, effective 
 ( percentage of increase 

Option 2: Lease will renew for
 months beginning 
 and ending 
, with a Rent increase amount of 
, effective 
 ( percentage of increase 

Option 3: Lease will renew for another year beginning 
 and ending 
, with a Rent increase amount of 
, effective 
 ( percentage of increase 

Your utility charge will be increased from 
, effective 

Rent may not be increased during the first year of tenancy. Rent increases may not exceed 7% plus the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the West Coast or 10%, whichever is less. Rent may only be increased once per year.

Rental properties where the first Certificate of Occupancy for was issued less than 15 years prior to the date of service of the Notice of Rent Increase, or where Owner/Agent provides reduced Rent to the Tenant(s) as part of a federal, state, or local program or subsidy are exempt from the rent cap.

and documentation (such as a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy) has been included with this notice.

City of Portland – If the rental property lies within the city limits of Portland and is subject to the rules of the Portland Housing Bureau (PHB), any rent increase notice must include the Tenant Notice of Rights and Responsibilities. Any rent increase above 9.9% may subject the landlord to payment of relocation fees and reporting of relocation payments to the PHB unless exempt. Visit the PHB website to see if your property is subject to these rules and restrictions and to download the required tenant notification: https://www.portland.gov/phb/rental-services

City of Eugene – If the rental property lies within the city limits of Eugene and is subject to the rules of the Eugene Rental Housing Code (ERHC), any rent increase notice must include the Tenant Notice of Rights and Obligations. Any rent increase to the maximum allowable amount may subject the landlord to payment of relocation fees and reporting of relocation payments, unless exempt. Visit the ERHC website to learn whether your property is subject to these rules and restrictions and to download the required tenant notification: https://www.eugene-or.gov/845/Rental-Housing-Code


Please Note: Signature field must be filled in and signed after printing.

Owner/Agent Signature:   Date: 

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307