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Additional Security Deposit for Keeping Pet(s):
Additional Monthly Rent for Keeping Pet(s):




 Animal 1

 Animal 2


Owner/Agent and Tenant(s) agree the above animal(s) are the only animal(s) allowed in the rental unit. Tenant(s) agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The animal(s) shall be on a leash or otherwise under Tenant(s) control when it is outside the rental unit.
  2. Animal(s) shall not be allowed to disturb the quiet enjoyment of neighbors by excessive noise or threatening behavior such as snapping, growling, barking or lunging at other Tenants or their animals.
  3. Tenant(s) represent and warrant that animal(s) have not previously damaged persons or property.
  4. All animal waste must be removed from common areas immediately and from any portion of the property under the exclusive control of the tenant(s) promptly (at least weekly). No animal waste including cat litter box waste may be flushed down toilets.
  5. If Tenant(s) fails to properly clean up animal waste in any area outside of the dwelling, after service of a written warning notice, Owner/Agent may assess a fee of $50 for the second violation, and $50 plus 5% of the rent amount for any subsequent violations for up to one year from the date of the initial warning notice.

  6. Tenant(s) must provide proof of liability insurance covering the animal(s) and shall make the Owner/Agent an Interested Party for purposes of notification in case of cancellation of policy or reduction of coverage.

  7. animals must be spayed or neutered and proof provided to Owner/Agent.

  8. Visiting animals are not allowed without prior written permission of Owner/Agent.
  9. Tenant(s) may not replace a animal without written permission of Owner/Agent.
  10. Failure to comply with the terms of this agreement shall give the Owner/Agent the right to revoke permission to keep the animal(s).
  11. Owner/Agent may charge a non-compliance fee of $250 for the keeping of an unauthorized pet capable of causing damage. If after a Written Warning Notice, the pet is not removed within 48 hours, or if there is a repeat violation after the service of a Written Warning Notice for a previous violation within one year of the initial Written Warning, the Owner/Agent may impose an additional Fee for each violation, with a maximum Fee of $250 per violation.
  12. Animals must be vaccinated as required by law and proof of such provided to Owner/Agent. All required vaccines must be administered by a licensed veterinarian. Owner-administered vaccines are not acceptable as proof of required vaccinations.

    Core vaccines typically include:
    Dogs – Distemper, Parvo, Bordetella (kennel cough), Rabies.
    Cats – FVRCP, Feline Leukemia, Rabies.

  13. Tenant(s) must maintain the animal in a clean condition.
  14. Tenant(s) must use all reasonable methods to prevent flea infestations of the unit or yard, and will be fully responsible for the cost of extermination.
  15. Tenant(s) may not breed animals without prior written consent of Owner/Agent.
  16. Tenant(s) shall not commit any act constituting animal cruelty.
  17. Animals shall not be chained or tied to any part of the Dwelling Unit or other structure on the property.
  18. Should the animal at any time display aggression Owner/Agent may require that the animal be removed promptly and not returned to the property. Failure to remove an aggressive animal may be grounds for termination of tenancy.
  19. Tenant(s) shall notify Owner/Agent immediately should animal cause damage to Dwelling Unit. Any damage caused by animal shall be repaired at Tenant(s) expense.
  20. Tenant(s) agree to hold Owner/Agent, employees, or representatives harmless from harm or damage arising from the animal of Tenant(s) or Guest(s).

Responsible Party Certification: If the health or safety of the animal(s) is threatened by death, incapacity, or other factors that render the Tenant unable or unwilling to care for the animal(s), the below-named party agrees to remove the animal(s) from the premises, either temporarily or permanently.


Please Note: Signature fields must be filled in and signed by all parties after printing.

Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Owner/Agent Date   Owner/Agent Date

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307