Mold is a fungus, a sponge-like organism, in the same family as yeast and mushrooms. Mold is everywhere.
Molds produce tiny spores that float continuously through the air, indoor and out. When mold spores land
on a damp area indoors, they can begin to grow, particularly if the moisture problem is not corrected
quickly. Molds can grow on wood, ceiling tiles, drywall, paper, carpet and foods. There is no practical
way to eliminate all mold and mold spores indoors. The most effective way to control indoor mold growth
is to control moisture. Unwanted moisture can be from a variety of issues: leaks in the roof or walls,
water seeping into the basement, taking a shower, or cooking. If mold grows in a home, it must both be
cleaned and the moisture problem repaired. Mold growth is unlikely if the humidity is below 40%.