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Mold growth can be dangerous to people and destructive to property. Owner/Agent provides housing as free from mold as reasonably possible. Behaviors of residents greatly affect the likelihood of mold growth.

Tenant(s) agree(s) to keep the rental unit in a manner that minimizes the likelihood of mold growth. Suggested methods to do that are listed on the reverse of this notice. Tenant(s) also agree(s) to notify Owner/Agent promptly of any mold problems.

Tenant(s) acknowledge receiving a copy of this notice.


Please Note: Signature fields must be filled in and signed by all parties after printing.

Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Owner/Agent Date   Owner/Agent Date


Mold is a fungus, a sponge-like organism, in the same family as yeast and mushrooms. Mold is everywhere. Molds produce tiny spores that float continuously through the air, indoor and out. When mold spores land on a damp area indoors, they can begin to grow, particularly if the moisture problem is not corrected quickly. Molds can grow on wood, ceiling tiles, drywall, paper, carpet and foods. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores indoors. The most effective way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture. Unwanted moisture can be from a variety of issues: leaks in the roof or walls, water seeping into the basement, taking a shower, or cooking. If mold grows in a home, it must both be cleaned and the moisture problem repaired. Mold growth is unlikely if the humidity is below 40%.


  • Use the bathroom fan, leave it running for 45 minutes after bathing or showering.
  • If your bathroom doesn’t have a fan, open the window and leave it open for 45 minutes after bathing or showering. Leave the door open when not in use.
  • Use the kitchen fan whenever cooking. If there isn’t one, open a window slightly.
  • Use the fan in the laundry area.
  • If moisture condenses on windows or walls, turn up the thermostat on your heat source.
  • Open doors between rooms and to closets to increase air circulation.
  • Cover fish tanks.
  • Don’t keep too many house plants, and don’t over-water the ones you keep.
  • Keep the temperature above 65 degrees.
  • Open several windows for at least an hour twice a week to change the air in your home.
  • Dry any water that spills on carpets or rugs.
  • If you have an air conditioner, be sure it isn’t leaking.
  • Use a dehumidifier if necessary.


Clean mold off hard surfaces as soon as possible. First use a detergent like Pine Sol or Lysol and hot water. Then disinfect with a mild bleach solution (one cup of bleach to one gallon of water). (Do not get bleach solution on carpets or floors, it can cause damage.) Finally, dry completely. Recent studies suggest bleach isn’t enough for porous surfaces like sheet rock walls. Wash with TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) first (available at hardware and paint stores).

When you clean up mold, consider using an N-95 respirator (available in many hardware stores) to limit your exposure to mold and mold spores.


  • Leaks anywhere; in the roof, gutters, walls, doors, or windows for instance.
  • Water in the basement or crawlspace under your home.
  • Leaking pipes or dripping faucets.
  • Sweating pipes or toilets.
  • Running toilets.
  • Any reappearance of mold after you’ve cleaned and removed it.
  • Any recurring dampness or moldy smell.
  • Non-working fans.

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