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Agreement Terms

  • The leased property uses a residential well to provide water for drinking, washing and waste removal.
  • For a property to be sold in Oregon, the well must be capable of producing a minimum of five gallons per minute under normal conditions. This amount can vary depending on season, so if Tenant(s) experiences some slowing of water flow, usage should be adjusted and care taken to not run the well dry by performing only one water task at a time. If the water level drops below the level of the pump, the pump will continue to run, will suck air instead of water, and may burn out requiring replacement.
  • Tenant(s) is responsible for monitoring water usage to ensure this doesn't happen. Should water flow become measurably reduced at any time, Tenant(s) must stop water usage, and notify Owner/Agent immediately.
In freezing conditions, Tenant(s) agrees to protect pipes from freezing by leaving light on in well house, or using space heater in well house as needed.

Well water has been tested for contaminants as follows:

Date of last testing:
Well Operation

If Tenant(s) notice odd odor or color to water, Tenant(s) agree to stop using system and notify Owner/Agent immediately.

Tenant(s) agree(s) to accept responsibility for damage caused to well system due to failure to abide by these instructions.

Please Note: Signature fields must be filled in and signed by all parties after printing.

Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Tenant Date   Tenant Date
Owner/Agent Date   Owner/Agent Date

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PO Box 20862, Keizer, OR 97307